Thursday, June 3, 2010

The Yard Reveal

It is time to finally reveal our big yard makeover.  To fully appreciate the new yard, you need to be reminded of what it used to look like.  Let's go way back to what the house looked like when we moved in.

Not too bad, but kind of boring. One of the first projects we undertook was removing all the boxwoods and hollies from in front of our house and replacing them with a softer look.  Here's a more recent picture of our yard from this past winter.  As you can see it was pretty sad in in the winter with nothing in bloom.

And now, what our yard looks like now complete with sod, a new walk way and several new plants (there are a lot of pictures).

We hope you enjoyed our yard makeover project, and the pictures from all angles. We know there were a lot, but we wanted to try to give you the full effect.  Luckily it has actually been raining quite a lot - almost every day, so that is helping to keep down the amount of watering we have to do.

We have moved back inside and started to make some progress on the master bedroom renvotation, so we will update you on that again soon!